Posts Tagged ‘immigration’


Slowly I will creep into the big picture…

April 8, 2010

The constitution of the United States of America….an amazing document.  Well calculated and precise to ensure the states can have control and the federal government would regulate.  At the time that we became the United States…all of the states were acting as their own countries.  They needed something to tie them together but not restrict them.  Brilliant idea.  Freedom is an amazing thing that often gets taken for granted.  My husband served in OEF and spent 7 years in the USAF.  I believe freedom is the greatest gift…it is why so many people move from their countries to ours.  It is why we prospered for so long.  It is the immigrants that came over, like my grandparents, that so desired freedom.  Those people are what kept us great.  They are truly some of the most patriotic people.  They know how amazing it is to have the freedom to work any job they want, to pursue education, to make more and more money, and to be mostly unregulated and remain free of restriction.  The freedom we possessed as a great nation is slowly fading away, as the WWII generation passes on we will be left with nothing to separate us from most other countries but our history books.  More to come…

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” -Benjamin Franklin